Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blessed with Friends

We have been a part of a homeschool co-op since coming to Guatemala. The kids have been able to meet friends through this once a week group. It has been a blessing to them and helped them to feel happy here and "normal." Honestly it takes discipline for me. I would rather stay home and get school work done during that time so that I had more time to work with SI. And all mamas are required to teach or co-teach a class and that ended up being stressful this past semester. But my kiddos need this and they are my main ministry. So we go.

 On the last day of co-op we took a trip to the zoo. It was a fun day. I don't drive to the city so Blake took the day off and went with us. That made it super fun for me too. I really like that guy. :)

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Vale La Pena

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