Sunday, August 6, 2017

Destiny Hope is 13!

Our baby girl is a teenager!! I think when you're the baby of the family for 10 years, you have the right to keep the title for the rest of your life, even if you do have to share it with your youngest brother. But our fiery Hope is definitely no longer a baby, or even a little girl. As I see her entering this new season of life, I feel like I am re-living my own middle school years again. How vividly I remember all of the emotions! These aren't easy years, baby girl, so I want to share some thoughts with you as you enter your teenage years... 

You are already figuring out that everyone isn't always going to like you. And pretty much no one will like you 100% of the time. Sometimes you will feel left out, you will feel ignored, or you will feel inferior. And it will hurt deep. But I pray that you remember that God made you to love people well. So when you feel like you are NOT being loved well, go find someone that appears to feel like you do and focus on helping them to feel better. 

You will also find out that you can be mean. You will discover that you can say harsh words, give haughty expressions, and cause others to feel embarrassed or belittled. You will see that sometimes prideful behavior can elevate you. But I pray hard that the Holy Spirit won't let you get away with it. I pray His conviction will hunt you down like the world's best hound dog.

You will want a boyfriend, and probably get one eventually. I don't know what you will learn from this boy exactly, because I don't know what kind of boy you will choose. But here's my advice to you: make sure he knows your daddy. Not because Daddy has a gun over the fireplace or a metal bat in the garage (because he doesn't), but because Daddy has a pastoral heart and I've seen more than a few boys (and men) learn to love Jesus in a bigger way just by being around him.

You will have days that you don't like me or your Dad. Sometimes it will be because Daddy and I are being jerks, and sometimes it will be because we are being good parents. But I want you to know that either way you have an opportunity every time you are mad at us. You have the opportunity to extend grace. I want to teach you more about grace. Grace is taking a step towards restoration. I see you as a person capable of much grace because you are a forgiver. You get mad fast with your red-headed temper, but you forgive just as quickly. People that forgive quickly are people of grace. You didn't get that from me, so I admire it so much in you. And that's why I want to encourage you to continue growing in that by doing Daddy and I the honor of extending us grace even when we don't deserve it.

You have the opportunity to teach your brothers about girls. You have the responsibility of helping to prepare them for their future wives and daughters. Pray about what that means for you. I think it's something powerful. And know that because that is part of your calling right now, that the enemy is going to try to steal it from you. He is going to try to put up walls between you and your brothers. He's going to want you to be irritated by them, and them by you. Fight hard against that. Your brothers are a gift, and you are a gift to them.

You are like your dad, your Grammy, and a little bit like your Aunt Miranda. I tell everyone you're my opposite, but I know that's not true in every way. You and Camden are both dreamers like me. Maybe it's because I've taught you to be that way, or maybe not. But I want you to keep sharing your dreams with me. You know how you want to be a vet? And you want to work with small AND large animals, but you found out that you can't do that many places? Then you found out you could do it in Alaska. So now you want to move to Alaska. You got that from me, baby girl. You'll move to Alaska before you give up your dream. Stay that way. Forever. And I will cheer you all the way to Alaska. I give you my word.

Everything in life is going to seem like such a BIG DEAL. It's because you're a girl, you're 13, and you just have that kind of personality. You are sassy, stubborn, and dramatic. But please know that life is made up of so very many seasons. They come and they go. I want you to learn how to live big picture. I want you to learn how to live true to your convictions and your calling. I want you to learn how to ask God who you are and ask Him what He thinks about you. I don't want you to change for anyone but Jesus. I want you to be considerate about other people's feelings but not controlled by them. I want you to be you and do your thing and sing your song and walk your walk and laugh your laugh and cry your tears. I want you to do it all and not feel like you have to measure up to anyone's definition of what a girl or woman should be. No boxes for you, baby girl. Live Free.

Happy Birthday to my favorite daughter! I love you mucho!  

1 comment:

Vale La Pena

I submitted my last final of the semester around lunch time, texted my mom that I was done, and then stood at the glass door looking out...